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Linssinheijastus sinisellä taustalla.


Trade Union Pro is a lobbyist for working life, whose mission is to support the livelihood, skills and well-being of its members. We promote a socially, ecologically and economically sustainable, equal and equal society. We are a multidisciplinary trade union that provides a community regardless of sector, status or work situation.

Our values
ihmisiä toimistossa
We actively listen to and involve our members
Kuva: Shutterstock
We build a fair working life in an open and responsible way
Nainen ja mies kättelevät.
We are a reliable and professional innovator

As a member of Pro, you'll be better off!

Our strategic goals
Our members feel that working life is fair and they are satisfied with their position in the labour market
We will strengthen our advocacy by increasing our membership
Our members feel ownership of the quality of our services
We are an active social actor, anticipating and developing the changing world of work, both at home and internationally
Our diverse networks create a sense of community and give members the opportunity to influence working life issues
Our capacity to respond to the changing needs of our members

A rolling strategy - we review our strategic choices regularly

Elämäntilanne yrittäjä
Assessing the power of change
Each year, at the beginning of the year, we evaluate Pro's strategy and its priorities through one of the selected drivers of change.
Inclusive debate
The evaluation will be carried out through a series of debates with management and staff in February and March.
Elämäntilanne uran alku
Updating the strategy
If a need for an update is identified, the management and the board will prepare an update and the Assembly will decide on a possible update at its spring meeting.